Our Story

A quick note from our Founder.

Having spent the better part of 20 years in building and development, we firmly believed the industry can do better. Our traditional building methods are outdated, highlighting the need to advance and evolve ensuring we meet the demands of today.

They say need is the mother of all innovation. In our case, it has been driven by passion and an unwavering belief that there must be a better way. An opportunity to localise the supply chain, reduce building times and improve the durability of homes that stand the harshest environments Australia so gracefully offers up. And finally after nearly a decade of research, development and prototyping, we’re proud to say we’ve achieved exactly that.

 We have designed a provisionally patent system that significantly reduces build times, provides flexibility to manage trades and supply challenges while championing the best of local manufacturing to deliver a mighty 7+ Star Energy Rating to our homes, all without adding to the cost of a traditional build. We’re beyond proud of what we’ve achieved and excited to bring our modern and progressive homes to the market for every Australian to enjoy.

We can’t wait for you to join us...

James Robinson
Oxford Green

The world is changing. Most industries have been disrupted in some way. Luckily, the world becomes a better place when products evolve with our lifestyles and how we like to live. We believe the construction industry has sat dormant for far too long, and is more than ready for a shake up.

Until now, most construction companies focus too heavily on meeting standards and compliance stifling invention and innovation. And while these are incredibly important - the processes, systems and tools, no longer match how a modern family lives.

The world’s moved on.

Instead of building for yesterday, we look to tomorrow for inspiration. We operate in a future focused and forward motion. Oxford Green is an honest player working toward a world that favours longevity over short term benefits. That focuses on the world ahead and not the box ticking by- gone standards of the past.

When you buy an Oxford Green home, you buy into a considered belief system focused on making high quality living more accessible, more sustainable and more enjoyable for the everyday Australian. You buy into a defined vision for the future, placing the home at the centre of self-fulfilling, self-nurturing and self-sustaining environment that’s been intentionally built to last.

James Robinson

James has been an active member of the building, construction and development community for decades. Starting his career as an apprentice, he now directs Robinson Projects and manages top tier property development from start to finish for investors in the private and government sector.

These collective experiences over the course of 20+ years position James with a unique perspective and understanding of what it takes to offer feasible, accessible, and innovative solutions.

An innovative, Australian designed and built construction method that finally ticks every box.

7+ Star Energy Ready

Each Oxford Green home is designed to achieve a 7+ NatHERS energy rating easily surpassing the 6-star standards in Australia by default. This means greater efficiencies, savings and a far more sustainable footprint.

Strong and Durable

We live in a harsh environment. From floods and monsoons to bushfires and everything in-between. Our homes are built to stand the test of time and are made from concrete, increasing longevity and most importantly, safety.

Efficient and Timely

We’ve meticulously designed our processes to bring quality homes to Australian’s as quickly and as efficiently as possible - significantly reducing labour, wastage, and supply chain costs and delays that stall most construction jobs today.

Quality Focused

Our local suppliers, materials and panels reduce the impact external factors can have on our supply chain. This means we’re able to deliver more projects at a higher, more predictable quality with each and every build.

We would love to hear from you!

When you buy an Oxford Green home, you buy into a considered belief system focussed on making high quality living more accessible for every Australian.

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